Friday, December 27, 2019

The Aviation Branch Of The U.s. Army - 1513 Words

The Aviation Branch of the U.S. Army, as we know it today, did not exist at the turn of the 1800 to 1900 centuries. The military did use a Balloon Corps and Detachment for the Civil and Spanish-American Wars respectfully. However, the Army deactivated both organizations after their usage in the campaigns. These artillery spotters and reconnoiters were helpful. However, the leadership did not see a usage for them outside of war. Therefore, it would take someone understanding the potential of air power to open a door for its peacetime usage. This occurred with the birth of the Signal Corps. The U.S. Army Signal Corps On July 1, 1891, congress established the U.S. Army Signal Corps (Layman and Mooney, 1944, p. 2). Understanding the use of balloons in prior wars, the Chief of the Signal Corps felt aviation was an activity that should fall in his corps realm and he petitioned for congressional concurrence. The only issue was congress would make no such acknowledgement. As early as 1892, the Signal Corps began purchasing balloons (Fredriksen, 2011, p. 1). BG Gully and his successor as the Chief of the Signal Corps, BG Allen, kept providing reports on the significance of aviation operations to the military. Initially the gentlemen envisioned a means to communicate being greatly enhanced. Two inventions at the turn of the century would contribute to these beliefs but also make it hard for them to plead their case. With telegraphy and airplanes both being invented,Show MoreRelatedThe Eruption Of The Korean War Era1671 Words   |  7 Pagesabrupt requirement for the exp ansion of aviation. Helicopters and the Army were very limited in their capabilities, acquisitions of aircraft, laws in place, and industry could not keep up with the demand. These limitations ultimately were overcome because the need was required during the war. Army Aviation saw expansions of their force structure and how operations were conducted on the battlefield. The Aviation Center at Fort Rucker, Alabama was created to train Army aviators in flight training as wellRead MoreA Report On Flight Training1026 Words   |  5 Pagesteaching flying skills in a controlled environment that is normally too dangerous, or costly to acquire through the use of an actual aircraft. The U.S. Air Force and Army typically use simulators to safely train new Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) operators on critical tasks performed for proficiency and certification without the use of costly flyable aviation resources. Research has discovered there is a lack of conventional standardized training for any of the armed services, but an inter-service roadmapRead MoreBilly Mitchell : An American Hero1467 Words   |  6 Pagesborn in Nice, France in 1879 to a U.S. Senator. He grew up in Wisconsin and enlisted in the Signal Corp in the U.S. Army at the age of 18. Due to his father s influence in the government he quickly earned a commission as an officer. He served in Cuba, the Philippines, and Alaska until his eventual appointment to the general staff. At the time, he was the youngest member of the general staff at the age of 32. During this time, he became highly interested in aviation. He was one of the first peopleRead MoreAviation Technology And Its Development Essay1285 Words   |  6 Pagescentury. In the interwar period, the air forces and general aviation in Europe and the United States developed their technology and airpower in exponential proportions. Technology is the most significant influence on the development of the air forces and airpower. New technologies of aviat ion affect the future of the air forces creating new possibilities in the three levels of war; create new challenges of the implementation of aviation technology and its development; and lead to the consolidationRead MoreThe United States Army And Selective Service Essay1512 Words   |  7 PagesThe United States Army has been the underdogs of the military branch. 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I went to a recruiter and took the sample test for the army; did not do so well, but I was able to study and take it again. In the middle of my fourth quarter of school I was very curious about the other branches. There are Marines, Army, Navy, and Air Force; my sister then join the marines as she is a poolee right now waiting to be shipped for boot camp. I’ve met plenty of people that use to beRead MoreWorld War II The Greatest Military Powers At The Time1739 Words   |  7 Pageshappened during The Manhattan Project. The Department of Energy’s purpose was to provide and maintain safe, secure, and reliable nuclear weapons. They also looked over the research, design, development, testing, manufacture, surveillance, and disposal of U.S. nuclear weapons. This showed that during the period of the Cold War the creation of the nuclear bomb changed the traditional way of war an d established a high standard of war by the United States having possession of the most dangerous weapon. 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Thursday, December 19, 2019

Marketing Plan - Silky Girl - 6899 Words

1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This marketing plan for SILKY GIRL includes aspects such as a Situation Analysis, Objectives, SWOT, PEST, Porter’s five forces, Measuring of Target Markets, Strategic Marketing Mix, and the Implementation and Evaluation. With Porter’s five forces, we will be able to understand how we should improve the company and understand competitors better. Also, it will help us understand the market and how we should position our company before entering the market The marketing plan aims to further publicize SILKYGIRL’s product line through extensive commercial advertising as well as to further add value to their existing product lines, introducing a new product line, SILKY LUXE to cater to a different type of†¦show more content†¦These stores are pretty accessible for the consumers. 3.1 Market Summary SILKYGIRL’s customers are youths, young adults and teenagers. They aim to provide Halal cosmetic products to cater to the Muslims. When SILKYGIRL came into the mass consumer cosmetics market, there were many competitors. Launched in May 2005, their competitors are established brands such as L’ORÉAL, MAYBELLINE, REVLON, SHISEIDO, ZA and market leader AVON. They use celebrities such as Felicia Chin and Edmund Chen to endorse their products and target on youths and young adults. Their products are not wide in range and have a very limited choice. Some of the popular products are eye shadow and eye liner which cater to beginners as they have clear instructions on how to use and apply at the back of the packaging. Market Demographics Demographic segmentation is to segregate the market into groups based on variables like age, gender and occupation. For the purpose of this marketing plan, the market will be divided according to two main demographics of workgroups which are the Generation X and Generation Y. People born between 1965 and 1979 are categorized into Generation X while people who are born in the year 1979 and onwards are considered to be in Generation Y. Generation Y Gen Y are innovators, creative and often seek for new things. They are not brand loyal and often switch brands to try out new products. They are corporate and political sceptics. LargeShow MoreRelatedBrand and Shampoo2071 Words   |  9 PagesTarget is overall revenue. No target as such for the shampoo segment. #61656; Each product category has a code and revenue from shampoo sales seems to be less than 20 %. #61656; One interesting feature was that, for Himalaya products, the sales girls were deployed by the company directly. 2. Manikandan Stores Ââ€" A wholesale/retail dealer ( Average middle class/ Local shops ) This store supplies stock to retail shops as well as serves the average middle class customers. #61656; Target audienceRead MoreEffect of Asean Economic Integration1958 Words   |  8 Pages600 million, larger than that of the EU. If they buy into the ASEAN story, private equity firms looking for scale opportunities in Asia suddenly have an alternative to China and India. But do they buy into it? It comes down to assessing where the marketing campaign stops and reality begins. And establishing whether, even with the support of greater economic integration, private equity firms are able to build cross-border businesses within the region. Many PE firms look at the region from a countryRead MoreProctor and Gamble2710 Words   |  11 Pagesbrand itself Pricing Strategy ïÆ' ¼Optional – feature pricing ïÆ' ¼Product- line pricing ïÆ' ¼Competitive pricing ïÆ' ¼Distribution pricing 12. Place Strategy ïÆ' ¼In store placement strategy ïÆ' ¼Already existing strong links in urban area ïÆ' ¼Rural penetration ïÆ' ¼Develop marketing channels as strong and penetrated so that it would gain access to remote areas ïÆ' ¼Strategic location of warehouse ïÆ' ¼Increase wholesale dealers in small towns so that they can go to the nearby villages ïÆ' ¼National coverage would be dealt with by increasingRead MoreMarketing Mix of Haeir18481 Words   |  74 PagesA REPORT ON ------------------------------------------------- â€Å"MARKETING MIX MAPPING FOR HAIER IN REFRIGERATORS, WASHING MACHINES AND AIR CONDITIONERS SEGMENT† SUBMITTED BY ROSHAN KUMAR CHOUBEY ENROLLMENT NO: 07BS3117 BATCH OF 2009 A REPORT ON ------------------------------------------------- â€Å"MARKETING MIX MAPPING FOR HAIER IN REFRIGERATORS, WASHING MACHINES AND AIR CONDITIONERS SEGMENT† By ROSHAN KUMAR CHOUBEY A Report Submitted In Partial Fulfillment Of The RequirementsRead MoreInternship Report on Unilever14872 Words   |  60 Pagesheart of Unilevers business today. Unilever was formed in 1930 when the Dutch margarine company Margarine Unie merged with British soap maker Lever Brothers. Companies were competing for the same raw materials, both were involved in large-scale marketing of household products and both used similar distribution channels. Between them, they had operations in over 40 countries. Margarine Unie grew through mergers with other margarine companies in the 1920s. In a history that now crosses three centuriesRead MoreCosmetic Industry Analysis28098 Words   |  113 Pagespotential borrowers. Loan agents definitely were asked to look as much potential borrowers or home buyer as possible in turn to get big sum of incentives or commission. Therefore, low interest rates or cheap credit systems were launched. An increase in marketing on loan packaging and incentives such as easy initial requirement or a long-term trend will be given when raising the total loan had given. This encouraged investor assumed that they are able to increased property value to refinance their homes withRead MoreConsumer Lifestyle in Singapore35714 Words   |  143 Pageslessons learning about different sports, such as tennis and bowling, and â€Å"working   out†   on   a   Nintendo   Wii   video   game   console.      In   Crescent   Girls’   School,   all   of   the   1,300    students use tablet PCs during lessons, while Maris Stella High School requires every student to purchase   a   MacBook   for   school   assignments   and   projects.   Nanyang   Girls’   High   School   began    rolling an iPad pilot project in 2011, whereby iPads are used to teach all the subjects in selected Secondary One and Secondary

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Impact of the Globalisation - Solution is Just a Click Away

Question: Describe the Management and Organisation in Global Environment? Answer: Globalisation is the process of integration and interaction whether it is among governments, companies or people. It is the movement that is now becoming worldwide towards trade, economic, communications and financial integration. It implies on the broadening outlook of an interdependent and interconnected world that has free transfer of services, goods and capital. But many economists correct that, this free transfer does not include free movement of labor. Thus smaller economies are at several times hurt by the hindered movement of human resources. According to many globalisation in a much simpler sense is the deepening, widening and speeding up of the interconnectedness between global forces. But we need to further elaborate it as globalisation can be in continuance of regional, local or national level. Dicken in the year 2004 commented that defining globalisation is a tough task as the definition can give rise to many questions instead of giving answers. According to him globalis ation these days have developed in a catch all term which is used by everyone for many bads and goods of this contemporary society.(Dicken, 2007) Dicken explains that how globalisation is actually geographical as understanding it needs a prior knowledge about the configuration of time, space and place. These configurations are later reconfigured due to changes in political practices, economy or technology. Globalisation is being enabled by technological flow of goods, people, media and information in a interconnected and may be shrinking world. There are many catch phrases like border less world, the flat world and the shrinking world that are being used in reference to globalisation. But is it too early to coin globalisation along these phrases. In a report under the title The collapse of Global trade, murky protectionism, and the crisis by Richard Baldwin and Simon Evenett talk about how these phrases like border less world and the shrinking world are false. (Baldwin, 2008)As trade worldwide is suffering a globally synchronized collapse which is both quite sudden and severe. Many economists accept that the failures to achieve international stability that is essential for global order as the factor that contributed the most for this failure. One of the incidences that highlight this shortcoming in global order is the attack of 9/11 as leaders all around the world saw the true picture that there is a urgent and grave security risk if terrorists that have access to mass weapons are not controlled. One of the other major challenges to the global order in the recent years was, a credit crisis in the year 2007-2008 which threatened the failure of the international financial system. This economic collapse occurred as the global le aders were not able to cope up with the economic and security challenges. Over the period of the thirty years foreign investment and international trade has become quite significant to the global economy. The end of poverty movement is about people demonstrating about the enormous figures of world poverty. But there is always a danger that the messages that people want to give through demonstrations like the ones outside G8 summit are diluted. As they believe that telling leaders about the poor in the world will turn the plight of these poverty stricken people. An agenda is needed to end poverty but this agenda cannot include neo-liberalism, capitalism and markets. This is quite impossible in a world where political advisors are neo-liberal and are focused on profit making. In todays business world trade is dependent on investment in areas like technologies and in countries where technology is not developed suffers due to its lack.(Cameron, 2004) Technology is among the many primary facets of globalisation that has helped to change the concept of distance and time. Through technology our perception about time and distance has changed. It has helped us to feel closer to our family and friends. But contrary to this, a report by C.K. Prahalad with the title Saving the Worlds Poor shows through facts that sixty five percent of the world population is still living under two thousand dollars a year. Out of these a major percentage owns a telephone, television and have access to internet thus the Maslows Triangle of needs has been inverted. In theory globalisation has helped people to have access to technology and information. But in the trade sector the story is quite different as many meetings related to trade, environmental and international monetary organisation never used to garner any attention, whereas now these meetings draw the attention of many anti-globalisation activists. The reasons for these demonstrations are the budg ets of some corporations that are larger than the GDP of many nations in the world. According to a study the top hundred economies consists of forty nine countries and fifty one multinational corporations. Post the great financial crisis we are seeing a dry up in the trade finance. International trade is about one company that is buying from another company which involves risks and profits. But the GFC has affected trade finance in two ways firstly the traders who were used to doing this kind of trade are getting fewer oppurtunities. As banks do not trust other banks which is causing the paired credit to break down, even though trade credit according to many trade experts is a safe credit risk. Secondly the traders are opting to trust their past partners due to the fear of the unknown. Another reason for the extreme demonstrations against globalisation at G7 and WTC conferences is murky protectionism.(Crang, 2003) As many example were witnessed in the recent years for murky protectionism in which none were of violations regarding to WTO obligations. But they are all of abuses of legal and legitimate discretion which are being used discriminate against companies, investors, foreign goods, and workers. Elisa Gamberoni along with Richard Newfarmer presents some figures to support this claim. Out of the seventy eight trade measures that the governments have enacted on seventeen were offenders from the G 20. Developing nations were deploying all forms of protection like border measures and tariffs. Example Russians raised the tariffs on used cars whereas the non tariff measures includes example from Argentina where non automatic licensing was applied on textile, Tvs, leather goods, and shoes. In some developing countries the tightening of standards has caused slower imp orts as we saw in India where Chinese toys were banned. Green policies are also a form of murky protectionism tactic. In France many of the banks were bailed out on conditions that they have to lend to airlines as cancellation of the new Airbus planes should not occur. Thus the nature of protectionism is quite murky making it hard to enumerate. There is a lack of transparency that is making harder for the politicians to retaliate against trading partners measures. (Parker, 2005) The phrase Borderless world is a myth as US comprises of the world twenty five of the total economy. So in a borderless world the trade including both export and import will each make up for the rest seventy five percent. As the sale transactions and purchases will be distributed all around the world. But the truth is that US trade level is just twenty nine percent that includes both imports and exports. In the coming few years America will be importing less and will thus have a less global economy. Economists Eric van Wincoop and James Anderson have successfully calculated the average cost ignoring tariffs for international trade. According to them it is equivalent to one hundred and seventy per cent tariff. Thus even in countries like Canada and US where the borders are adjacent national borders exist. Therefore the world economy is still a thin crust of global economy which may appear thick due to the presence of technology, luxury goods and media. It is a network of national econ omies that are regionally linked over many sectors. The nation state is still very much economically relevant as many people still live in the very same nation that they are born. This makes their economic fortune to be dependent on consumption levels and wage within their country and society. This story applies for capital as well as money stays where people stay. If people stay in their national country they spend there. Although with the advance in technology the concept of liquid capital is about money being transferred around the world in a flash. But it is only a small fraction that is only ten percent according to a research. Many of the non-human capital like the infrastructure, real estate and financial capital do not flow very much. (Jones, 2006)This helps in tying the output capital to some nations. Therefore the abolition of the nation state is not visible in the near future. The question that we do not need to answer in some years is that may be some day it will. But we do not need to worry about it for many years to come. Phrases like borderless world, flat world and the shrinking world do not accurately describe the current economy, political reality and current trade. The users of these phrases are unthinking and are unhooking the leaders off their hooks. References Baldwin, R. a. (2008). "Restoring the G20s credibility on trade: Plan B and the WTO trade talks,". The Collapse of Global trade , 39-46. Cameron, A. a. (2004). The Imagined Economics of Globalization. London: Sage. Crang, P. D. (2003). Transnationalism and the spaces of commodity culture. Progress in Human Geography , 43856. Dicken, P. (2007). Global Shift. London: Sage. Jones, A. (2006). Dictionary of Globalization. Cambridge: Polity Press. Parker, B. (2005). Introduction to Globalization and Business. London: Sage.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Jamie Oliver Essay Essay Example

Jamie Oliver Essay Essay Jamie Oliver is a chef who has made a number of television programmes for Channel 4; in most of these programmes he is cooking and instructing the audience, although he is sometimes part of documentaries about food, for example in schools. His style of speech is very different to many of his contemporaries: he uses his distinctive style to present himself as a down to earth, friendly TV chef. Oliver is the only person talking in this transcript because he is cooking and explaining his actions for the TV show. The fact that he is cooking while talking means that there are numerous pauses in the transcript, for example ayou wanna coat the bottom (3) of the pana. The three second pause indicates that he is demonstrating this action on the programme; it is important in his role as a TV chef that he doesnat just sit and talk through a recipe because viewers want to see the recipes being made and they also want to be entertained and kept interested by Oliver moving around in the kitchen. Other pauses suggest that, although this programme is probably scripted to some degree, Oliver is not reading from an autocue but retains an element of spontaneity to his speech. The pauses at the start of the transcript, aI got a pan (. ) er the right size pan about (. ) sort of seven inchesa, are indicators of this spontaneity, as is the non-fluent aera. Although sometimes a sign of nervousness, in this case I think the pauses help Oliver to appear normal, like his viewers, so they are more likely to attempt his recipes and, of course, buy his books. Jamie Oliveras Esturary accent and his accompanying use of London slang are also distinctive features of his talk. Words such as achivvya and asquigglea are colloquial and are not words we expect to hear on a cooking programme. We will write a custom essay sample on Jamie Oliver Essay specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Jamie Oliver Essay specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Jamie Oliver Essay specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We are used to words from the cooking semantic field such as awhiska, abakea, astira but Oliveras language use again makes him seem very normal, approachable and relaxed. As well as specifically accented words such as the dropping of the aha in aorriblea, Oliveras elisions agonnaa, awannaa and akindaa demonstrate his relaxed tone. As well as using these to build a successful TV persona, Oliver could be using this informal language because he is concentrating more on the actual cooking and explaining the key details of the recipe

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God by Jonathan Edwards Essay Example

Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God by Jonathan Edwards Essay In â€Å"Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God,† Jonathan Edwards uses many different figures of speech to persuade his congregation. The first figure of speech that Johnston uses is a simile. Jonathan also uses metaphors in his sermon to persuade the sinners. The most important example of figurative speech would be imagery. Jonathans use of figurative language is important to the overall meaning of the sermon because figurative language helps to explain the overall meaning. The first type of figurative language that Jonathan uses is a simile. In this part, Jonathan is explaining that when God returns, it will not be good for the sinners. â€Å"The wrath of God is like great waters that are damned for the present; they increase more and more, and rise higher and higher, till an outlet is given, and the longer the stream is stopped, the more rapid and mighty is it’s course, when once it is let loose† (Edwards 80). The purpose of this figure of speech is to get the congregation to think about when God releases his anger he will do it with great force. The next example of figurative speech and â€Å"Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God† is a metaphor. We will write a custom essay sample on Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God by Jonathan Edwards specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God by Jonathan Edwards specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God by Jonathan Edwards specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Jonathan uses a metaphor to compare gods anger to the string of a bow. He explains that God’s precious love is what keeps the arrow from going through the peoples heart,â€Å"The bow of God’s wrath is bent, and the error made ready on the string, and justice bends the arrow at your heart and strains the bow, and it is nothing but the mirror pleasure of Godthat keeps the arrow from being made drunk with your blood.† (Edwards 109). This metaphor compares gods anger to the string of a bow being pulled and ready to let go, but not yet let go. The comparison shows that God’s wrath comes with great power and could severely destroy mankind. The last example of figurative speech in â€Å"Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God† would be imagery. Imagery plays an important role in Jonathan

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Definition and Examples of Compound-Complex Sentences

Definition and Examples of Compound-Complex Sentences In English grammar, a compound-complex sentence is a  sentence with two or more independent clauses and at least one dependent clause. Also known as a  complex-compound sentence. The compound-complex sentence is one of the four basic sentence structures. The other structures are the simple sentence, the compound sentence, and the complex sentence. Examples and Observations The compound-complex sentence is so named because it shares the characteristics of both compound and complex sentences. Like the compound sentence, the compound-complex has two main clauses. Like the complex sentence, it has at least one subordinate clause. The subordinate clause can be part of an independent clause.(Random House Websters Pocket Grammar, Usage, and Punctuation, 2007)His blue eyes were light, bright and sparkling behind half-mooned spectacles, and his nose was very long and crooked, as though it had been broken at least twice.(J.K. Rowling,  Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone. Scholastic, 1998)The door of the morning room was open as I went through the hall, and I caught a glimpse of Uncle Tom messing about with his collection of old silver.(P.G. Wodehouse, The Code of the Woosters, 1938)All of us are egotists to some extent, but most of us- unlike the jerk- are perfectly and horribly aware of it when we make asses of ourselves. (Sidney J. Harris, A Jerk, 1961) Those are my principles, and if you dont like them . . . well, I have others.(Groucho Marx)The Druids used mistletoe in ceremonies of human sacrifice, but most of all the evergreen became a symbol of fertility because it flourished in winter when other plants withered. (Sian Ellis, Englands Ancient Special Twig. British Heritage, January 2001)We operate under a jury system in this country, and as much as we complain about it, we have to admit that we know of no better system, except possibly flipping a coin.(Dave Barry, Dave Barrys Guide to Marriage and/or Sex, 1987)She gave me another of those long keen looks, and I could see that she was again asking herself if her favourite nephew wasnt steeped to the tonsils in the juice of the grape. (P.G. Wodehouse, Plum Pie, 1966)In America everybody is of the opinion that he has no social superiors, since all men are equal, but he does not admit that he has no social inferiors, for, from the time of Jefferson onward, the doctrine that all men are equal applies only upwards, not downwards.(Bertrand Russell, Unpopular Essays, 1930) How,  Why, and When to Use Compound-Complex Sentences The compound-complex sentence consists of two or more independent clauses and one or more dependent clauses. This syntactic shape is essential in representing complex relationships and so is frequently put to use in various forms of analytical writing, especially in academic writing. It is also probably true that the ability to use compound-complex sentences elevates a writers credibility: it demonstrates that he or she can bring together in a single sentence a range of different pieces of information and order them in relationship to each other. This is not to say that the compound-complex sentence invites confusion: on the contrary, when handled carefully, it has the opposite effect- it clarifies the complexity and enables readers to see it clearly.(David Rosenwasser and Jill Stephen, Writing Analytically, 6th ed. Wadsworth, 2012)Compound-complex sentences get unwieldy in a hurry. So clear writers minimize their use, generally restricting them to no more than 10 percent of their wo rk.But varying the sentence structures in a piece makes it more interesting, and writers who care about rhythm will stray from the simpler forms to mix in compound sentences now and then. (Jack Hart, A Writers Coach: The Complete Guide to Writing Strategies That Work. Anchor, 2006) Compound-complex sentences are  used infrequently in business messages because of their length. (Jules Harcourt et al.,  Business Communication, 3rd ed.  South-Western Educational, 1996) Punctuating Compound-Complex Sentences If a compound or a compound-complex sentence has one or more commas in the first clause, you may want to use a semicolon before the coordinating conjunction between the two clauses. Its purpose is to show the reader very clearly the division between the two independent clauses. (Lee Brandon and  Kelly Brandon,  Sentences, Paragraphs, and Beyond, 7th ed. Wadsworth, 2013)For in the end, freedom is a personal and lonely battle;  and one faces down fears of today so that those of tomorrow might be engaged. (Alice Walker, Choosing to Stay at Home Ten Years After the March on Washington, 1973.  In Search of Our Mothers Gardens, 1983)

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Nonreligious bases for nonviolences Research Paper

Nonreligious bases for nonviolences - Research Paper Example n in use for a long time, mainly by pacifists and non-pacifists, as a means of acquiring a social change and expression of resistance to any kind of oppression. In the past, the thought of non violence had made large numbers of people think and had attracted many followers. However, most non violent forms or cases have been in response to events of violence (PPU, n.d.). Non violence has usually been dived into two distinct parts or methods. The first one is the abstention from violence on religious grounds, while the second is the actions of people who neither start nor respond to any type of violence. Such kind of behavior has usually been linked to pacifism and abstinence of violence on grounds of principle (Riff, 1990, p. 166). Historically, western belief had an idea that non violence is something which can only be practiced by the educated masses, but this had been proved wrong in India, where the followers of Mahatma Gandhi were largely the poor farmers and uneducated masses (G regg, 1959, p. 184). In the following pages the various forms of non violence, apart from religious grounds, have been discussed. Also discussed are the contributions of some of the greatest preachers of non violence in the history of mankind. In this paper, the discussion has aimed to show how historically non violence had persistently fought the various types of violence on grounds which were not related to religion and the various forms of non violence prevalent in the world. The discussion also shoes how great leaders like Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King had contributed to world peace through their non violent methods. Various cases of non violent action have been found in many countries over time, but it was only in the 19th century that non-violent action started to take different names and forms. The term ‘strike’ as devised at he beginning of the nineteenth century in the United States of America and it meant an organized form of stoppage of work or withdrawal of