Tuesday, May 5, 2020

The Hunger Games free essay sample

The movie Hunger Games is taken place after the apocalypse in North America. Hunger Games is about a violent game between the girls and boys between the ages of twelve and eighteen years old who are forced to enter their name in the system so it can be drawn like the lottery tickets. Their name is chosen randomly like the lottery number, once their name is drawn they have to go and represent the district where they are from and thrown into one big arena and forced to fght each other in order to survive. The capitol has the control all over the districts and restricted their freedom. The rich who lives at the capitol anticipates this game for every year because they see this as the form of televised entertainment, while the poor who live over at the twelve districts dreads it, because they know they have small chance of surviving the game. When sixteen years old Katniss Everdeen of District 12 steps forward to take her sister’s place, whose name was unexpectedly drawn from the thousands of possibilities, she sees it as a death sentence. The other tribute from District 12 is Peeta Mellurk, a baker’s son who saved her family’s life by simultaneously giving her two loaves of bread when her dad died from a mine explosion. All of them know that the odds may not be in their favor. Katniss and Peeta board an extravagant train to the Capitol of Panem. Peeta and Katniss are assigned personal stylists and groomers to design and present them to the audience at live feed. They are treated luxuriously on their journey towards the mysterious arena where a grueling competition will be held. District 12 victors Haymitch and their escort named Effie act as their guardians, who are responsible to teach them strategies for the Game and the public appearances to gain sponsors. The tributes were trained professionally in a short time period and they were interviewed and publically displayed to the Capitol audience as a sacrifice for their entertainment. In a twist of event, Peeta charms the audience by revealing on-air his long time unrequited love for Katniss. As is Gale, a good-looking and strong boy from District 12 who has a strong bond with Katniss, since they hunt together to be able to put food on their tables after both their father died in a mine explosion. Katniss believes this to be a ploy to gain audience support for the Games, which can be crucial for survival, as audience members are permitted to send gifts such as food and medicine to favored tributes during the Games. Ladies and Gentlemen, Let the seventy-fourth Hunger Games begin! † Twenty-four tributes lifted into the dangerous artificial landscape arena with only Sixty seconds to plan a strategy to the finally exposed new arena, before the sound of a gong releases them for their first battle. Sixty seconds to take in the ring of tributes equidistant from the Cornucopia, a giant golden horn-shaped like a cone with a curved tail, the mouth that are spilled wit h food, containers of water, weapons, medicine, garments, fire starters; things that gives life for them in the arena. Haymitch instructions to Peeta and Katniss is to bypass the items, run as far as possible to gain distance from the other tributes and find a clean water source. Instead Katniss grabs a backpack full of supplies, narrowly avoiding death by using it as a shield, and clears out into the woods. Every night, the death of a tribute is signified by a cannon shot followed by the country’s anthem. After the chaos at the cornucopia, eleven releases of the cannon shots ring out. Katniss relies on her well-practiced hunting and outdoor skills to survive along with her extraordinary talent with bows. As the games continue, the tribute death toll increases, bit both Katniss and Peeta are able to survive. In between, Katniss had gained a true friendship that had come and gone, Suzanne’s skillful words twinge my heart with a mixture of sweet and sour; giving out agonized cries. â€Å"You don’t have much competition anywhere† Supposedly due to Katniss and Peeta’s beloved image in the minds of the enthusiastic audience as â€Å"Star-crossed lovers†, a rule change is announced midway through the games, stating that two tributes from the same districts can win the Hunger Games as a pair. Upon hearing this, Katniss immediately searched for Peeta in desperation. Eventually she found Peeta, who has been severely wounded. She nurses him back to health in the cost of a near-death experience and plays up their love affair to the cameras, covering him with kisses, in the hopes that sponsors will send them beneficial items. Peeta lovingly returns her affection. It becomes clear that Peeta’s confession during the interview was not a ploy, as he was indulged in happiness thinking that Katniss are also in love with him. Shoot me and he goes down with me† â€Å"He’s right. If I take him out and he falls to the mutts, Peeta is sure to dies with him. We’ve reached a stalemate. I can’t shoot Cato without killing Peeta; too†¦we stand like statues both seeking an out. † Counting down by the cannon shots, Peeta and Katniss are the final three tributes along with a muscular and fierce boy from District One. A bloody and intense battle was f ought with some help from the Gamemarkers sending in mutations with the eyes of the dead tributes. My last arrow’s in your tourniquet† â€Å"Make it count† When the couple are finally the last two tributes, the Gamemarkers suddenly reverse the rule change and try to force them into a dramatic finale where one must kill the other to win. Instead, they both threaten suicide by means of poisonous berries in hope that the Gamemarkers would rather have two winners than none. It works, and both Katniss and Peeta are declared winners of the seventy-fourth Hunger Games. â€Å"It was all for the Games, how you acted† â€Å"Not all of it† â€Å"Then how much? I guess the real question is what’s going to be left when we get home? † Later, Katniss confesses to Peeta that the emotions she showed to him during the Games were a sympathy ploy to earn them sponsors for their survival. Peeta is genuinely in love with Katniss and is shattered by her admission, since he believed she was in love as well. Katniss is struggling with how she feels towards Peeta, and torn for her feelings towards Gale. A betrayed Peeta and a devastated Katniss prepare to go on a tour to show their love to the world. In addition, Haymitch warned that The Capitol is furious about their mutual defiance at the Hunger Games by defeating the rules when the Hunger Games are their weapon†¦ â€Å"And right now, the most dangerous part of the Hunger Games is about to begin. † PART TWO: a character that I liked/disliked. Why? Character: Cinna, Katniss’s personal stylist and friend. â€Å"The door opens and a young man who must be Cinna enter†Ã¢â‚¬ ¦close-cropped hair in its natural shade of brown, he’s in a simple black shirt and trousers. The only concession to self-alteration seems to be metallic gold eyeliner that has been applied with a light hand. It brings out the flecks of gold in his green eyes. And, despite my disgust with the Capitol and their hideous fashions, I can’t help thinking how attractive it looks. A character that I really liked in ‘The Hunger Games’ by Suzanne Collins is Cinna, Katniss’s personal stylist and devoted friend. Katniss first meet Cinna at The Capitol for the seventy-fourth Hunger Games. Throughout the whole story in the first novel of the stunning Trilogy ‘The Hunger Games’, Cinna has completely won me over by his exotic and creative sense of fashion, which was humbly displayed in the costumes that he had designed for Katniss during her public appearances. In Katniss’s first appearance at the opening ceremony of the Games, Cinna had designed a sensational and ingenious costume other than skimpy outfits and black dust to represent their district’s principle industry, which is coal. The outfit is a simple black unitard that covers Katniss from ankle to neck, and shiny leather boots lace up to her knees. Fluttering cape made of streams of orange, yellow and red and matching headpiece that define the costume. But what made it utterly unforgettable is the synthetic fire that was lit on both Peeta’s and Katniss’s complementary costume’s headpiece. â€Å"In the deepening twilight, the firelight illuminates our faces. We seem to be leaving a trail of fire off the flowing capes. Cinna engraved Katniss in every audience’s mind; he made Katniss impossible to forget. â€Å"Not my look, not my name. Katniss. The girl on fire. † Cinna is oddly different from the Capitol’s fashion and accent; the capitol people are described as â€Å"oddly colored birds† and â€Å"are so dyed, stenciled and surgically altered they’re grotesque. † But Cinna is world apart from that, â€Å"I’m taken back how normal he look s†¦and, despite my disgust with the Capitol and their hideous fashion, I can’t help thinking how attractive it looks. His voice somewhat lacking in the Capitol’s affectations of speaking in a high pitch, odd vowels, clipped words and always a hiss of the letter s. Even though, this is the main reason, this is why I perfectly and entirely admire him. As Katniss’s stylist, Cinna doesn’t treat her as a piece of meat, but as a human being that has been chosen to suffer in such an inhumane event. Cinna is very supportive and is always there for Katniss, he took her icy hands in his own warm ones and gently said, â€Å"Remember, they already love you†¦just be yourself†. I am constantly amazed at how normal and thoughtful he is compared to the rest of the Capitol people, Cinna doesn’t ask for the best district, instead he choose District twelve who is least desirable district. Cinna has gained both Peeta and Katniss’s respect and love, and he always put his best effort to make her look exceptional. Compared to the yelling and cheering Capitol audience, Cinna doesn’t celebrate the Hunger Games or their pain, doesn’t see the tributes as a worthless piece in their Games. Instead he said, â€Å"How despicable we must seem to you†. On the day that Katniss entered the arena, Cinna pulls the gold mocking jay pin from his pocket that Katniss has completely forgotten about. And before she prepares to launch into the arena, Cinna gave her comfort and the most valuable support that anyone had given. â€Å"I shake my head but after a moment I hold out my hand to him. Cinna encloses it in both of his† his simple action completely wiped out any doubts of Cinna’s differentia, and his humane feelings towards the inhumanity purpose of the Games. To him, the Games is not an entertainment, but as a torturous and tragically event. â€Å"And remember this. I’m not allowed to bet, but if I could, my money would be on you. † â€Å"Truly? † â€Å"Truly,† says Cinna. He leans down and kisses me on my forehead. â€Å"Good luck, girl on fire. † In the next two books of the Trilogy â€Å"Catching fire† and â€Å"Mockingjay†, Cinna had sacrificed himself for the rebellion and also for its symbol, the Mockingjay, who is Katniss. He designed a rebel’s uniform and wrote on his last gift to Katniss, â€Å"I’m still betting on you†. PART THREE: an idea that interesting and made an impression on you. Why? Suzanne Collins departed from the world of fantasy and stepped into a harsh, dystopian creation in ‘The Hunger Games’. ‘The Hunger Games’ is the first novel in a projected trilogy, and introduces readers to a futuristic dystopian society where an overpowering government controls the lives and resources in thirteen different districts including the demolished district thirteen. An idea that interested and made a huge impression on me is the heme and the plot, the idea is completely overwhelming and had stolen the place of my favorite book. Although marketed as adolescent literature, the theme of fighting to the death, and the violence of the events that occur in the arena, all involving children and teenagers, has brought with it controversy and some protest from parents and school groups. On the other hand, the book is popular among teens and adults alike, all who like it for its simple and understanding prose, wry sense of humor, constant suspense and action-packed plotline. The Hunger Games’ was met with mostly positive reviews, with some negative commentary on the simplistic style and lack of thorough complexity that a dystopian future would merit. Its themes of family, friendship, love, and survival are accessible, and Katniss’s strong, pragmatic. And yet Katniss’s vulnerable character adds to the story’s appeal. From all the fantasy and cliche romance novels such as Twilight and Vampire Diaries, it is a good change. Suzanne’s skillful writing had trapped me willingly in her exciting yet treacherous world full of intense adventure and love. I just couldn’t make myself escape from Katniss’s bewildering world. Through Katniss, Suzanne had outlined a story with constant suspense and romance to contrast the bare-knuckle adventure. I love how The Hunger Games is not a novel endlessly revolving around romance in every page, and most of all, the romance is not based on some mythical creature but are realistic, with down-to-earth emotions. The Hunger Games consists of family, responsibilities, friendship, bravery, skills, and devotion with a perfect touch of romance. I adore Suzanne’s imagination to create and structure ‘The Hunger Games’ so exquisitely and always manage to grab our full attention in every flick of the page, always printed with new surprises, always answering beyond our expectations. The descriptive form of words that string together had painted a flawless picture in my head; the environment inside the arena, the scenes of the gruesome battles, the beautiful misen en scene of the meadow, the Capitol’s lavishness but most of all†¦I saw a place where no other books has filled in my satisfaction. In the 454 pages, I am told of the beginning of a breathtaking story, even though it is based on imagination. This is what interested and made an impression on me. Collins is an efficient no-nonsense prose stylist with a pleasantly dry sense of humor. Reading The Hunger Games is as addictive (and as violently simple) as playing one of those shoot-it-if-it-moves videogames in the lobby of the local eightplex; you know its not real, but you keep plugging in quarters anyway violent, jarring speed-rap PART FOUR: Would you recommend? Why? If so to whom? Review: In recent years a great tragedy has befallen the young adult fiction, especially on the girly sides. You’re likely to see more sagas about a young woman whose greatest concern is the romantic possibilities of the mysterious boy in her class than about young woman using their brains and having a life and death adventures. If like me, you’re tired of the handsome boy drama fashion sniping and general blandness of modern heroines. The Hunger Games is just the series you’ve been hoping to find; fresh and exciting, dark and thought provoking with a leading woman worthy of an action figure. Suzanne Collins’ ‘Hunger Games’ trilogy follows sixteen years old Katniss Everdeen; a smart, independent, tough-as-nails teen struggling to keep her family fed in the freezing poverty stricken District twelve, the most ignored province of the Orwellian nation of Panem. After society has collapsed from environmental chaos and a subsequent rebellion, North America has become Panem, a TV-dominated dictatorship run from a city called the Capitol. What’s left of humanity is organized into twelve districts. Kept in poverty by a totalitarian government, the populace is forced to labor to keep The Capitol sumptuous splendor. To make things even more dismal, the yearly highlight in this nightmare world is The Hunger Games, a bloodthirsty reality TV show in which each district is require giving up two if its children, chosen by lottery, and enter them in The Hunger Games. The twenty-four kids are dropped into an enormous, desolate arena strewn with traps and hazards, with heaps of weapons and supplies in the middle. They are forced to fight-and kill-each other for survival which are filmed and broadcast to the entire nation of the event that is part ‘Survivor’ and part gladiatorial contest where the last one alive wins. The only â€Å"unspoken rule† is that you can’t eat the dead contestants. We experience this ordeal through the eyes of Katniss who is a passionate sixteen year old that hates the Capitol and is devoted to her family. Katniss volunteers to take her sister’s place in the Games, whose name was unfortunately drawn in the lottery. While in the arena, Katniss must use all her skills and every ounce of bravery she possesses to survive. Although she is a skilled hunter and sheer death with a bow and arrow, she doesn’t like to kill. But doesn’t want to die either. After a life spent in dismal poverty, Katniss experiences pleasurewarmth, food, pretty clothes—with almost unbearable intensity, and that’s when Collins writing comes alive. Likewise, Collins brings a cold, furious clarity to her accounts of physical violence. But rather being repellent, the violence is strangely hypnotic. As if this plot alone weren’t urgent enough, the second book in the series, Catching Fire, adds an element of political unrest and corruption that makes Katniss’s situation all the more dangerous. The Hunger Games are brilliantly written, adventure-charge book that will keep you awake and glued to their pages long into the night. Collins put in a nice contrast; the Games are brutal, both physically and emotionally, and she makes it clear that no one who survives them is left unmarked by the experience. And yet, her characters are so genuinely human and struggle so hard against the horror of their fate that you can’t help but stay with them. The twists and turns of the plot are always unexpected, and the end will leave you shocked and desperate for the next installment. Despite the ugly premise, Collins manages to infuse just enough girly and romantic support without making it superfluous. Instead of bogging down the charging momentum of the story, they even influence it. One of the more important minor characters is a fashion designer who created outfits that you would die for, but all with a subtle message that deeply affect important events. There’s even a contentious love triangle that puts the Jacob and Edward rivalry to the shame it deserves. Suzanne Collins writes so close to the ground that a reader’s viewpoint becomes inseparable from that of Katniss. So we experience her amazement at the rich food and luxurious surroundings—as well as her fury at the obscene â€Å"entertainment† that brings her to the Capitol. The Hunger Games is a chilling, bloody and thoroughly horrifying book, a killer of the myth of Theseus and Minotaur. But it inspired in readers a kind of zeal I haven’t seen since Twilight. Stephen King and Stephenie Meyer is also a major fan. While readers might be expecting the familiar mix of spunky-yet-sensitive, Collins has crafted a different kind of action heroine. The book is considered suitable for readers twelve or thirteen and up. Collins largely avoids graphic descriptions of violence, but a couple of the player’s deaths are quite emotionally disturbing. And although the story is set in the future, the totalitarian regimes punishment is similar to the medieval times. For example, Katniss is served by servants whose tongue was surgically removed for treason. But â€Å"The Hunger Games† is more than just an action and Sci-Fi novel waiting to be turned into a PG-13 movie. There are a bunch of serious ideas driving the book, from the injustice of a few people living in comfort while the rest of the world is in starvation to the priority placed on the entertainment a society, where many do without necessities. I strongly recommend â€Å"The Hunger Games† to all enthusiastic readers looking for a whole new perspective away from the romance-fantasy genre, replaced by a new phenomenon that stretches beyond your promise. I guarantee that â€Å"The Hunger Games† trilogy is a real piece of work. You will, not like it†¦but love it.

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